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Zone Information

When programming zones, consult the Quick Programming Reference as needed. To add zone information, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Program > Zone Information and select New.

  2. Configure settings in the Standard, Action, Wireless / VPlex, and Advanced tabs as needed. For details, refer to "Zone Information Programming Reference".

  3. Select Apply. Repeat steps 1-3 to add more zones as needed.

  4. To save a zone as a template, select the zone from the table, enter a name Zone Template, then select Save.

  5. Select OK.

Zone Information Programming Reference

The following reference provides basic descriptions of each field in Zone Information. Configure each setting as needed.


Zone Number

Enter the zone number.

Zone Name

Enter a name for the zone.


Blank (--): Customizable zone type

Night (NT): Controlled instant zone for perimeter doors, windows, PIRs, and glassbreaks

Instant (IN): Controlled instant zone for perimeter doors, windows, PIRs, and glassbreaks; also causes alarm if tripped during exit/entry delay

Day (DY): For emergency doors or fire doors

Exit (EX): Initiates the entry delay timer when area is armed

Fire (FI): For any type of powered or mechanical fire detection device

Panic (ON): For panic buttons or key fobs with panic

Emergency (EM): For non-panic emergencies

Supervisory (SV): Provides 24-hour zone supervision to devices associated with fire systems

Auxiliary 1 (A1) and Auxiliary 2 (A2): Controlled instant zone for restricted zones within a protected area

Fire Verify (FV): For verifying existence of a fire condition

Arming (AR): For connecting a keyswitch to arm or disarm areas

Carbon Monoxide (CO): For carbon monoxide detectors Doorbell (DB): For video or mechanical doorbells


Select areas programmed in Area Information.

Follow Area

Enter the number of an area to follow in exit or entry delay. Entering 0 disabled this feature. Default is 0.

Expander Serial Number

Enter the serial number if this is a zone expander.

Armed Areas

Enter the keypad addresses to display armed areas.


Configure the following messages, outputs, and output actions.

DO: Disarmed Open

DS: Disarmed Short

AO: Armed Open

AS: Armed Short


None (-): No message is sent to receiver

Alarm (A): Send an alarm report to the receiver and activate the bell output according to zone type

Trouble (T): Send a trouble report to the receiver

Local (L): Does not send an alarm to the receiver-local notification only

Door Propped Open (D): Allow Entry Delay 4 to begin countdown without displaying on the keypad. If the door is not closed after the countdown has expired, a faulted zone report is sent to the receiver.

Sensor Reset (S): When a zone state changes, the bell is silenced, a sensor reset is performed, and an alarm bell silenced message is sent to the receiver

Cancel Ambush (C): Cancel the ambush timer and prevent an ambush message from being sent to the receiver


Enter the output number.

Output Action

None: No output action.

Pulse: Output alternates on one second and off one second.

Steady: Output turns on and remains on until the area is disarmed, an output cutoff expires, or the output is reset.

Momentary: Output turns on once for one second.

Follow: Output is turned on and remains on while the zone is in an off normal or bad condition. When the zone restores, the output is turned off.

Wireless / VPlex



Enabled: Allows the zone to be programmed as a wireless zone.

Disabled: Does not allow the zone to be programmed as a wireless zone.


Enabled: Allows the zone to be programmed as a V-Plex zone.

Disabled: Does not allow the zone to be programmed as a V-Plex zone.

Competitor Wireless

Enabled: Allows the zone to be programmed as a competitor wireless zone for the 1100T.

Disabled: Does not allow the zone to be programmed as a competitor wireless zone for the 1100T.

DMP Wireless

Serial Number

Enter the serial number of the wireless device.


Internal: Used for devices with internal reed switch contacts.

External: Used for devices with wired external contacts.

Normally Open

Enabled: Allows external contact to operate as normally open.

Disabled: Allows external contact to operate as normally closed.

Supervision Time

Select a supervision time for the device: None, 3 min, 60 min, or 240 min. Default is 240 min.

LED Enabled

Enabled: The 1142 Hold-Up Transmitter LED to turns on during panic or emergency operation.

Disabled: The 1142 Hold-Up Transmitter LED does not turn on during panic or emergency operation.

Disarm Disable

Enabled: When the system is disarmed, transmitters and PIRs do not send zone tripped messages.

Disabled: When the system is disarmed, transmitters and PIRs send zone tripped messages.

Wireless PIR Pulse Count

Select either 2 or 4 infrared pulses to be sensed before sending a message to an 1100 Series receiver. Default is 4.

Wireless PIR Sensitivity

Low: Lowers PIR sensitivity (75%)

High: Maximum PIR sensitivity (100%)

Wireless PIR Pet Immunity

Off: Pet immunity is disabled. PIR detects all movement.

On: Pet immunity is enabled. PIR ignores movement from animals up to 55 pounds.


Swinger Bypass

Enabled: Allows zone to be swinger bypassed.

Disabled: Does not allow zone to be swinger bypassed.


Enabled: Allows zone to operate with retard delay.

Disabled: Does not allow zone to operate with retard delay.

Fast Response

Enabled: Allows zone response time of 167 ms.

Disabled: Allows zone response time of 500 ms.

Cross Zone

Enabled: Allows cross zoning.

Disabled: Does not allow cross zoning.

Priority Zone

Enabled: Area won't arm until the zone is in normal condition.

Disabled: Area can be armed with zone in any condition.

Fire Panel Slave

Enabled: Zone transmits restoral immediately when restored by a monitored fire panel

Disabled: Zone does not automatically transmit restoral

Real-time Status

Enabled: Allows real-time status reports such as door open or door closed.

Disabled: Does not allow real-time status reports.

Traffic Count

Enabled: When disarmed, report the number of zone trips.

Disabled: Does not report the number of zone trips.


Enabled: Allows panic operation to initiate zone lockdown.

Disabled: Panic operation does not initiate zone lockdown.

Zone Audit Days

Enter the number of days allowed to pass without zone trips before a fault message is sent to the receiver. Range is 0-365 days. Entering 0 disables this function. Default is 0 days.

Report with Acct # for Area

Enter the area to assign as a 24-hour type. If the area doesn't exist, the account number is sent to the receiver instead. Range is 1-32. Entering 0 disables this feature. Default is 0.

Chime Sound

Select one of the following chimes for the zone: Off, Doorbell, Ascend, Descend.

Prewarn Keypads

Enter the keypad addresses to display the enter code prompt when an entry delay starts.

Entry Delay Number

Enter the entry timer selected as default in System Options for this zone. Range is 1-4. Default is 1.

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