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Program the Panel

The following topics cover how to program each section in the Program menu. The programming options available in each section depend on panel type and configuration. Refer to the appropriate panel programming guide from when programming in Remote Link.

For listed installations, refer to DMP's product Compliance Guides and Compliance Notes.

Retrieve Programming from Panel

Note: When you retrieve from a panel, any programming changes made in Remote Link that have not yet been sent to the panel are overwritten by the panel programming information that you retrieve from the panel.

  1. Close all programming and configuration windows.

  2. Ensure Remote Link is connected to the panel.

  3. Go to Panel > Retrieve.

  4. To automatically request the panel's events after programming is retrieved, select Request Events.

  5. To update the panel time after programming is retrieved, select Update Time.

  6. To automatically disconnect from the panel after programming is retrieved, select Disconnect on Completion.

  7. To retrieve only the programming that has changed since the last connection with the panel, select Changes Only.

  8. Select Retrieve.

Quick Programming Reference

Refer to the following tables when programming DMP accessories. For complete programming guides, refer to

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