There are three roles discussed in this section:
Workstation Administrator: Has administrator access to the workstation operating system. The workstation administrator is generally a member of your company's IT team or a system administrator.
Remote Link Administrator: Has limited operating system privileges and administrator operator privileges within Remote Link.
Remote Link Operator: Has limited operating system privileges and may also have limited operator privileges.
The remainder of this section will assume a ‘typical’ organizational structure and configuration. This is defined as:
There are one or more Workstation Administrators who perform maintenance of the workstations. Workstation Administrators only interact with Remote Link for installation and maintenance.
There is at least one Remote Link Administrator who performs operator management tasks within Remote Link. The Remote Link Administrator interacts with Remote Link as needed.
There are one or more Remote Link Operators who use Remote Link daily. Remote Link Operators cannot perform installation, maintenance, or management tasks.
Note: An individual may serve more than one role for an organization